
We love sharing our clients experiences and how we have assisted them in retirement planning

Helpful links + resources
for financial planning

Since 2004 The ASFA Retirement Standard has served as Australia’s trusted retirement savings companion, providing a comprehensive breakdown of expenses for both a comfortable and modest lifestyle, for couples and singles to maintain a healthy, vital and connected lifestyle in retirement. It also estimates the superannuation balance required to achieve this.

Super Guide

Seniors Personal Record Book
Download PDF here

Money Smart

We help you navigate and plan for the 3 Phases of retirement

Phase 1

Celebrate + Splurge
60-75 years

In the first 10 years of retirement we see our clients buy a new car, do some home renovations and explore overseas travel.
After all you have worked hard for the last 50 years – you totally deserve it!

We assist by advance planning to ensure Phase 1 of your retirement looks like you want it to.

Phase 2

Relax + Enjoy
75+ years

The following 10 years of retirement brings us to Phase 2, where we often see our clients enjoying a comfortable lifestyle and exploring more local travel around Australia.

Retirement plans give you the financial confidence and ensure you get as much out of Phase 2 of your retirement as you can.

Phase 3

Health + Homecare

In Phase 3 our clients are often slowing the pace of their lifestyle. They may be experiencing some medical issues or looking to a retirement village, home care or aged care.

Planning for Phase 3 is very important and is often overlooked until it is required. Planning ahead assists you and also your family.